About Us


Inviting God into our thoughts, experiences and feelings, we allow for redemptive healing of our whole being. Called & Equipped by God to help His hurting people, we approach answers through wisdom and biblical Faith. You’ll find that I am easy to talk with, and often people begin share details that they have never told anyone. God called and gifted me to help people find life and happiness through knowing Him. As a Pastoral Counselor dealing with trauma and behaviors, or as a life Coach and mentor helping you to grow and Thrive, I am confident that When we sit together at the feet of Jesus – our lives can be made whole By Him.

I have worked with seperations and struggling couples; obsessive-compulsive, rage and anxiety behaviors. I have worked with brokenness and acting out in sexual addictions. I have dealt with communicartion, infidelity, and post-traumatic stress disorder. There is not much that we can not together overcome.

We all experience Pain. It is in acknowledging it and facing our pains and fears that we grow and become whole. When we limit ourselves due to the pain of the past we give it power. Lets bring it to God. I really hope that you and I might start with an initial discussion about what is going on, and where we might benefit from some session for discussion.

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